
Title: Shoigu: 71 Russian Soldiers Killed in Ukrainian Attack

Title: Shoigu: 71 Russian Soldiers Killed in Ukrainian Attack

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu stated today, Tuesday, that 71 Russian soldiers were killed in what he described as a "failed Ukrainian attack" in recent days. In a statement published by the Ministry of Defense on Telegram, he noted that "15 Russian tanks and nine armored vehicles were destroyed during the fighting." Shoigu accused Ukraine of blowing up the massive Kakhovka dam as part of a plan to redeploy units from the nearby Kherson region to conduct operations against Russian forces, adding that "the enemy did not achieve its goals and suffered heavy losses." He continued: "The dam explosion and the resulting floods are aimed at preventing Russia from launching an attack near Kherson while allowing Ukraine to transfer units and equipment from the Kherson front to the offensive operational area."

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