Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev pointed out that Ukraine's destruction of the military transport aircraft "Il-76" was a result of the internal political struggle among the new Nazi elites in Kyiv. He wrote this on his Telegram channel, stating that "the story of the destruction of the Il-76 is the outcome of the internal political conflict among the new Nazi elites in Kyiv. It’s a pigfight over the trough, and many have written about this. A fragrant memory for the souls of our pilots; they are heroes. As for the Ukrainian families, they will not get a chance to meet their captured soldiers returning from Russia... It will get worse, as these three-toothed deformities will find it easy to kill their own soldiers and prisoners to maintain power, which they have learned over 700 days of this special military operation. They will bomb their cities and villages mercilessly, destroy their homes, and burn their elderly and children. There are no restrictions here on those creatures under their yellow and blue flag, as the stakes are high for power and money."