Since the beginning of the Israeli war on Gaza 45 days ago, many official statements about the future of the sector have emerged, evoking widespread anger. After comments from the Minister of Heritage and then the Finance Minister, Israeli Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel spoke today, urging the international community to encourage what she termed "voluntary resettlement" of Palestinians outside of Gaza instead of sending funds for reconstruction, according to Agence France-Presse.
Gamliel, a member of the "Likud" party led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, suggested promoting the voluntary resettlement of Palestinians from Gaza outside the sector, claiming it is for "humanitarian reasons." She also criticized the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), calling it "a failure."
She asserted that instead of sending money for the reconstruction of Gaza or to the "failed" UNRWA, the international community could help finance resettlement and assist Gazans in building their new lives in their host countries, according to her claims.
The Israeli Intelligence Minister continued by stating that Tel Aviv has tried many different solutions, including withdrawing from settlements in Gaza, managing the conflict, and building high walls in hopes of keeping Hamas elements away from Israel, but all have failed. She also considered that her proposal would be beneficial for both sides, for civilians in Gaza who seek a better life, and for Israel after the "terrible tragedy."