
Title: Foreign Ministry: We Are Coordinating with the Government and Army on UNIFIL's Freedom of Movement

Title: Foreign Ministry: We Are Coordinating with the Government and Army on UNIFIL's Freedom of Movement

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants stated today, Saturday, that "a written media outlet reported today that the caretaker government has abandoned what it called the demand of the caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Abdullah Bou Habib, to amend the UN Security Council resolution regarding the freedom of movement of UNIFIL, during the UN Security Council's discussion of renewing UNIFIL's mandate next August." The statement clarified: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs wants to make it clear that there is no demand from Minister Bou Habib, who is working in coordination with the Prime Minister and according to the government's policy and its ministerial statement." It added: "The Ministry is continuing to rally support and conduct communications with relevant foreign embassies in Lebanon, through Lebanese embassies in those capitals, and with Lebanon's permanent mission to the United Nations in New York, in order to secure a decision to extend UNIFIL's mandate that guarantees the freedom of movement of UNIFIL in coordination with the government and the Lebanese army, as is practiced on the ground, to ensure its mission's success and maintain calm and stability in southern Lebanon and the region, in accordance with the operational agreement of these forces known as the SOFA."

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