
Title: Security Forces Clarify Incident at the Ministry of Education

Title: Security Forces Clarify Incident at the Ministry of Education

Following the confusion caused by a video showing a member of the internal security forces waving a metal rod and threatening to hit students, mostly of Iraqi nationality, who were present at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the General Directorate of Internal Security Forces announced that due to overcrowding resulting from a prolonged employee strike in protest of economic conditions, and their attendance on certain days of the week, there was a rush among the visitors. The barriers meant to organize the lines were thrown to the ground, and a case of fainting was reported for one Iraqi student at the entrance of the validation office, followed by another individual fainting next to the validation committee door.

Due to these two fainting incidents, and with the continued crowding of visitors at the main entrance where employees were stationed, the personnel reacted spontaneously and nervously to clear the crowd in order to provide assistance to the two individuals who had fainted. The officer picked up one of the barriers and waved it at the crowd to maintain order, prevent pushing, and disperse them without any discrimination among them, according to the statement from the internal security forces.

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