
Title: Stranded Whale Found in Akkar

Title: Stranded Whale Found in Akkar

On Friday, a dead whale was found on the Akkar beach near the Al-Maamari Mosque, with its species not yet identified. The whale was estimated to be between 3 and 4 meters long, with a belly circumference of about 1.5 meters. Later, the Ministry of Agriculture announced in a statement that a specialized team from the Agriculture Directorate in Akkar inspected a dead whale of the "humpback whale" species, found on Akkar's beaches near Al-Maamari Mosque. The whale was reported to be 3 meters long, 70 cm wide, and estimated to weigh 450 kg. It had scratches on its head and another scratch located 50 cm from its tail. Samples were taken from it for analysis in specialized laboratories.

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