
Title: Protests Expand in Suwayda for the Sixth Day

Title: Protests Expand in Suwayda for the Sixth Day

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that popular protests continue for the sixth consecutive day in various areas of Suwayda province, southern Syria. The observatory stated in a statement that residents of villages and towns in the Suwayda countryside staged a protest on Friday morning under the slogan "Together in a Peaceful Movement for a Dignified Nation," continuing the popular protests demanding the overthrow of the regime and the implementation of UN resolution 2254.

The source revealed that protesters have continued to head towards the city center, specifically to the Al-Karama Square since early morning, participating in protests that include both religious figures and women. The Syrian Observatory mentioned the solidarity of residents from various areas in Damascus with the ongoing popular movement in different regions controlled by regime forces.

Since last week, protesters in the streets of Suwayda have been chanting slogans demanding the downfall of the Syrian regime and the implementation of UN resolution 2254 concerning a solution in Syria, as well as slogans condemning the poor living conditions and recent government decisions that removed subsidies on fuel.

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