Birth of a Rare African Wild Ass in Britain

A critically endangered African wild ass was born inside a zoo in the United Kingdom last month, with fewer than 200 individuals remaining of its species. The male animal was born at Marwell Zoo, near the city of Winchester, on August 20. A spokesperson for Marwell stated that "the birth of one of the rarest mammals on this planet has impressed the keepers at Marwell Zoo this week, after the arrival of an endangered African wild ass." She added, "With very few of these animals left in the wild, it is more important than ever to ensure a healthy and genetically diverse population of African wild asses in zoos to support wild populations." The native habitat of the African wild ass is in Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia, but they are preyed upon by African lions and Ethiopian wolves. They have also been hunted by humans for food, leading to a decline in their numbers in the wild.

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