
Title: "After 'Shorouk Girl' Incident, Mexican Tourist Documents Harassment from Driver in Egypt"


Following the death of Habiba Al-Shammaa, who jumped from a car after believing she was being kidnapped by an Uber driver in Egypt, a Mexican tourist has reported harassment by another driver from the same company. The tourist, named Nadia, who has Egyptian and Sudanese roots and holds Mexican nationality, captured the incident on video, detailing her experience of verbal and physical harassment by the driver in Egypt. She stated that she considered jumping from the vehicle after experiencing sexual harassment, with the driver's hands touching her thighs and making explicit sexual remarks and gestures. This incident comes just days after the death of Habiba Al-Shammaa, a student known in the media as the "Taxi Girl" or "Shorouk Girl," who passed away after being in a coma for 21 days.

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