
Title: Barbara Leaf: The Lebanese Arena Faces Significant Fluctuations and Hezbollah Risks a Lot

Title: Barbara Leaf: The Lebanese Arena Faces Significant Fluctuations and Hezbollah Risks a Lot

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf noted that "the Lebanese arena is experiencing significant fluctuations and great dangers," pointing out that "we have seen how Hezbollah has taken many risks, which could bring the arena to a very dangerous place and put Lebanon itself in a very precarious position." In a television interview, she affirmed that "we are making diplomatic efforts through Amos Hochstein's office to discuss with the parties how to reach an agreement," stating: "We believe that this will happen when the humanitarian ceasefire begins, and perhaps it may happen sooner than that, but we are actively working on this front. In the meantime, a dangerous game is being played, and the rules of the game may be misunderstood by Hezbollah or the limits of the risks may be misinterpreted by Hezbollah." Barbara Leaf mentioned that "it is clear that the Israeli government and the Israeli army will not risk launching a large-scale attack in the north without knowing what will happen and whether it may lead to their embarrassment," noting that "this is a risky game that Hezbollah has played at various times."

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