
Arrest of Two Citizens in Akkar and Zgharta

Arrest of Two Citizens in Akkar and Zgharta

The army command – Directorate of Guidance issued a statement today, Tuesday, stating: "A patrol from the Intelligence Directorate in the Ain al-Dahab area – Akkar arrested the citizen (A.A.) for his involvement in an individual altercation that involved gunfire on 2023/10/26, which resulted in the death of citizen (A.A.). An assault rifle of the Kalashnikov type was confiscated from his possession. Another patrol from the same directorate arrested the citizen (J.A.) in the Kfar Sghab area – Zgharta for killing the citizen (T.A.) on 2023/10/27 due to personal disputes, and a service pistol was confiscated from him. The confiscated items were handed over, and an investigation was initiated with both arrestees under the supervision of the relevant judicial authority."

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