
A President Before Spring... Who is the Most Likely?

A President Before Spring... Who is the Most Likely?

Lebanese people are closing the last days of 2022, preparing to welcome the new year tomorrow, which will carry the burdens left by the current year, including political vacuum, institutional paralysis, economic collapse, and social deterioration. There is no expectation that the Lebanese reality will change at the beginning of the year, as the overall signals suggest that deadlock prevails, and distances are widening between the parties despite attempts to bridge views. This implies that the stalemate will continue until an inevitable resolution occurs.

The picture does not require astrologers or clairvoyants; the facts are clear, and Lebanon is heading towards further crises, with rising poverty and unemployment rates due to economic contraction and ongoing political paralysis. It is essential to note that all these issues are politically linked; as soon as the officials decide to fulfill constitutional obligations and implement reforms, the country can return to the right path. Discussions about temporary patches do not yield positive results.

MP Waddah Al-Sadek stated that "Lebanon stands at a crossroads with the beginning of the new year, especially in the first quarter. Either the presidential election is accomplished, and a government is formed afterward, or the state of stagnation continues, leading Lebanon to complete paralysis on multiple levels."

Despite the pessimism and bleak image regarding the completion of the first entitlement, Al-Sadek maintains a relatively optimistic viewpoint. In an interview with the electronic newspaper "Anbaa," he predicts that "a president will be elected within the first two or three months of the upcoming year, with external sponsorship, of course." He estimates that Army Commander Joseph Aoun is the most likely candidate for the position.

Al-Sadek concluded his remarks by warning that state institutions have reached a state of bankruptcy, with social security as an example, as they are deteriorating and failing to provide services to citizens. The ongoing collapse affects all Lebanese without exception, including the party affiliates. Therefore, it is imperative for officials and stakeholders to recognize the seriousness of the situations and move towards finding solutions.

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