Iran Launches Three Satellites Simultaneously

Official media reported that Iran successfully launched three satellites simultaneously for the first time today, Sunday, using the Simorgh satellite-carrying rocket developed by the Iranian Ministry of Defense. The reports indicated that one satellite weighs 32 kilograms, while the other two weigh ten kilograms each. The three satellites were sent to a low orbit with a minimum distance of 450 kilometers from Earth. The reports mentioned that the two smaller satellites are intended for testing narrowband communication and geographic location technology. The larger satellite is named "Mahda," made by the Iranian Space Agency, and is designed to test the accuracy of the Simorgh rocket in delivering multiple payloads to space. Iran launched the "Thuraya" satellite into orbit this month using a rocket made by the Revolutionary Guard, raising concerns among European powers that Tehran might use launch vehicle technology to develop long-range ballistic missile systems. Iran rejected the condemnation from European countries regarding the launch of the Thuraya satellite on Saturday, stating that the development of peaceful technology in space is a legitimate right for them.

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