
Title: "Al-Najma's Victory Over Al-Bourj and Al-Safa's Win Against Al-Racing"


Al-Najma Club overcame its loss to Al-Ansar and achieved a victory over Al-Bourj with a score of 1-0 (first half 1-0) in a match held this afternoon at Rashid Karamy Municipal Stadium in Tripoli. This match concluded the first phase of the second round for the top six teams in the first half of the 63rd Lebanese Football League season. Khalil Badr scored the winning goal for Al-Najma in the 11th minute, raising their points total to 22, while Al-Bourj's points remained at 13, placing them fifth.

At Fouad Chehab Sports Complex in Jounieh, Al-Safa defeated Racing Beirut 2-1 (first half 1-0). Danin Talovic and Hussein Sharafeddine scored for Al-Safa in the 44th and 86th minutes, while Lazar Aribich scored for Racing in the 74th minute.

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