China Reveals Foreign Citizen Spying for Britain

The Chinese Ministry of State Security announced that it has recently uncovered the British intelligence agency MI6 recruiting a citizen from a third country to spy on China. In a statement, the Ministry indicated that a foreigner, referred to only by the surname Huang, was responsible for an external consulting agency. In 2015, British intelligence began a "cooperative intelligence relationship" with this individual.

According to the statement, British intelligence subsequently ordered Huang to enter China several times and instructed him to use his public identity as a cover to collect intelligence related to China on behalf of MI6. Huang underwent training at MI6 in Britain and was provided with special espionage equipment for transmitting intelligence. At MI6's request, he made several trips to China. The statement added that Chinese security authorities uncovered Huang's espionage activities on Chinese territory, and precautionary measures were taken against him under the law.

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