
Title: Kuwaiti Journalist Fajr Al-Saeed Calls on Israel to Strike Lebanon

Title: Kuwaiti Journalist Fajr Al-Saeed Calls on Israel to Strike Lebanon

Kuwaiti journalist Fajr Al-Saeed has called on Israelis to strike Lebanon, considering it a service to them. Fajr, who was banned from entering Lebanon months ago upon the directive of the General Security due to suspicions of normalization, has launched an attack on the country over the past months, labeling it as occupied. Israeli journalist Edi Cohen, known for threatening Lebanon with destruction, published a video of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, commenting, "If you dare, you will regret it." Al-Saeed's tweet received mixed responses, with some calling on Kuwaiti authorities to hold her accountable. It is noted that Kuwaiti MPs proposed a law days ago to criminalize those who sympathize with Israel, at a time when the country is witnessing widespread solidarity campaigns with the Palestinians.

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