
Title: Food Supplies are Available but Everything Could Change in Case of War

Title: Food Supplies are Available but Everything Could Change in Case of War

The head of the Food Importers Syndicate, Hani Bahsali, confirmed that "food supplies are currently available and there is no need to worry, but everything could change in the event of a war. We would definitely face a problem if Israel imposes a maritime blockade on Lebanon as was the case during the July war, especially since at that time the Syrian route was open and Lebanon managed to compensate for the shortage through land shipping, which is currently impossible."

Bahsali stated in an interview with "Al-Jumhuriya" that "traders cannot increase their stockpile as a precautionary measure for several reasons, including the decline in citizens' purchasing power which prevents everyone from engaging in 'excessive' storage, as salaries barely cover daily or monthly needs. On the other hand, traders do not have the capability to purchase goods in large quantities due to their limited resources amid the absence of bank credits and financing. Moreover, there is a risk in stockpiling on the brink of war," emphasizing that "war today is forbidden as its repercussions would be more than catastrophic for Lebanon."

He also affirmed that "the country’s inventory of goods and food supplies is sufficient for three months," warning that in a state of panic and stockpiling, it may not last more than a month.

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