Where Does Hamas Get Its Weapons?

The New York Times reported that Israeli military and intelligence officials indicated that a significant number of the weapons used by Hamas in the attacks on October 7 came from an unexpected source: the Israeli army itself. For years, analysts have pointed to underground smuggling routes to explain how Hamas remained well-armed despite the Israeli military blockade of Gaza. However, recent intelligence has revealed Hamas's ability to build many of its rockets and anti-tank weapons from thousands of unexploded munitions fired by Israel at Gaza, according to Israeli and Western weaponry and intelligence experts. Hamas also equips its fighters with weapons taken from Israeli military bases. Intelligence information investigated by the New York Times over months of fighting shows that just as Israeli authorities misjudged Hamas's intentions before October 7, they also underestimated its capability to acquire weapons. The newspaper notes that it is now clear that the very weapons used by Israeli forces to enforce the blockade of Gaza over the past 17 years are now being used against them.

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