
Title: The Importance of Dialogue and Communication in Nation-Building

Title: The Importance of Dialogue and Communication in Nation-Building

The scholar Sayyed Ali Fadallah received a delegation from the new administrative body of the "Al-Muqdad Charity Association," led by Mr. Ghassan Al-Muqdad, in the presence of former secretary Maher Al-Muqdad. They discussed the atmosphere of their recent elections, the activities they are engaged in, and their future projects. Fadallah emphasized the "importance of strengthening positive familial ties that contribute to the advancement and fortification of this society against all challenges and pressures," noting that "Islam encourages maintaining kinship and working to strengthen it."

He called for "making use of this diversity that constitutes wealth and character for this nation and the Al-Muqdad family. This noble family has made numerous sacrifices for this homeland, like many families encompassing different sects and religions." Fadallah urged the advocacy for "utilizing this diversity as a space for civilizational and human dialogue instead of fanaticism and provocation of sensitivities. This nation cannot be built except through the language of dialogue, coexistence, and communication among all its components, rather than through division, federalism, and other projects, and by strengthening internal unity to be able to face all internal and external challenges."

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