
Moroccan King: We Hope for a Return to Normal Relations with Algeria

Moroccan King: We Hope for a Return to Normal Relations with Algeria

Moroccan King Mohammed VI confirmed that "the Kingdom hopes for a return to normal relations with Algeria and the opening of borders following the severing of diplomatic ties between the two countries." The Moroccan website "Hespress" reported that "King Mohammed VI renewed his call for an outstretched hand towards Algeria in the Throne Speech he delivered on Saturday evening." The King stated: "Our efforts to serve our people do not only focus on internal issues; we also strive to establish strong relationships with brotherly and friendly countries, especially neighboring ones." He added: "In recent months, many people have been questioning the relations between Morocco and Algeria, which are stable, and we look forward to improving them." The King addressed the Algerian people, both leadership and citizens, affirming that "Morocco will never be a source of any harm and the significant importance we attach to the bonds of love, friendship, exchange, and communication between our two peoples." He continued: "We ask God Almighty for matters to return to normal and for the borders between our two brotherly neighboring countries to be opened."

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