
Title: "Yaza" Appeals to Hamieh for Urgent Maintenance of Bridge Expansion Joints


The "Yaza" Association called on the Minister of Public Works and Transport, Ali Hamieh, and all relevant parties to urgently maintain the expansion joints of bridges. In a statement, they said: “Users of bridges in Lebanon are suffering from significant delays in this maintenance, where gaps often exceed 40 cm, posing a serious threat to public safety. These joints are essential to the structure of bridges and should be replaced every 12 to 15 years. Citizens face a daily risk of death on bridges that lack basic safety standards, as they are exposed to the danger of car tires and motorcycles falling into the eroded gaps, leading to damage and malfunction of vehicles and even causing them to veer off course or flip over in cases of speeding. Additionally, there is the risk of gravel and other solid materials falling on pedestrians and vehicles underneath the bridge.” They noted that “this appeal is part of the broad campaign we have launched to raise awareness about road dangers in Lebanon, which has proven effective in mobilizing public opinion and putting pressure on the relevant authorities to act, as was the case with the issue of stolen drain covers. We hope that attention will be given to the safety of people in our country, which has been exhausted by theft and mismanagement.”

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