
Houthi Chief Negotiator: Our Meeting with Saudi Brothers Was Successful

Houthi Chief Negotiator: Our Meeting with Saudi Brothers Was Successful

Mohammed Abdul Salam, the chief Houthi negotiator and spokesperson for the group, states that the meeting between the Sanaa delegation and Saudi leaders resulted in overcoming the main obstacles facing the roadmap. This roadmap aims to assist the UN envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, in finding a solution to the Yemeni crisis. Abdul Salam believes that the peace scene in Yemen is progressing well, both since the start of the UN truce in April 2022 during Ramadan and through discussions with the Saudi side, which is being facilitated by Oman.

Abdul Salam said, "The roadmap included everyone's concerns and emphasized the urgent humanitarian file that the Yemeni people suffer from in the north, south, center, east, and west; as the humanitarian file will greatly positively impact the other files, foremost of which is the political dialogue. The roadmap includes political dialogue, beginning with the humanitarian file, including the reopening of roads, airports, and ports, and the release of detainees, followed by completing the humanitarian file, then the military file, and finally the economic and political files." He added that in the political aspect, negotiations are left to those negotiating at that time, and it is difficult to predict the current details of the political situation, which is natural.

Regarding attacks targeting ships in the Red Sea, Abdul Salam confirmed that these "military operations in the Red Sea targeting Israeli ships heading to Israel are ongoing and will continue until the aggression against Gaza ends, as well as the lifting of the siege to allow food aid into the Gaza Strip, both in the north and south. Our position is to support the oppressed Palestinian people, and if the oppression and siege on the Palestinian people cease, then the supportive operations will undoubtedly stop."

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