Ukrainian authorities said on Wednesday that one person was killed in the latest Russian drone attack on the country overnight. The Ukrainian Air Force reported that Russia launched a total of 46 offensive drones in several waves last night, adding that Ukrainian air defense systems shot down 32 of them. The air force mentioned via the Telegram app that most of the drones that were not intercepted struck frontline areas in eastern and western Ukraine, particularly in the Kherson region. The governor of the Odesa region confirmed that a 35-year-old man was killed by debris from a downed drone in a residential area. The Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that four others, including a six-year-old child, were injured. No further reports of casualties or injuries were available at this time. The air force indicated that the military downed drones over areas in central, southern, and western Ukraine. Russia has been conducting airstrikes on populated centers far from the front lines. The war in Ukraine has been ongoing for nearly two years. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reported separately that an overnight shelling of Kherson city resulted in one death.