
Title: 9 Dead After South Korean Flagged Ship Capsizes Off Japan

Title: 9 Dead After South Korean Flagged Ship Capsizes Off Japan

South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Thursday that "at least nine people died when a ship flying the South Korean flag capsized off Japan." It added that two South Korean citizens were among the deceased and noted that the Japanese Coast Guard rescued one crew member, who is of Indonesian nationality, while another member of the 11-person crew is missing. Japan's NHK broadcaster reported, citing the coast guard, that a South Korean-flagged chemical tanker capsized off the coast of Yamaguchi Prefecture in western Japan. It confirmed the death of seven crew members. The tanker, named Kiyoung Sun, was anchored due to adverse weather conditions and requested assistance after 7 a.m. on Wednesday (2200 GMT on Tuesday), stating that it was leaning. The agency mentioned that the tanker was carrying 980 tons of acrylic acid, but no leaks were detected.

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