Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri mourned artist Najah Salam, widow of the late director Salman Muhammad Saad, on Thursday. He wrote on his official account on the platform "X," saying: "May God have mercy on the talented artist Najah Salam, and I extend my sincere condolences to her family and loved ones."
In turn, President Tammam Salam paid tribute to the great artist Najah Salam in a statement, saying: "May God have mercy on the great artist Najah Salam... With her passing, a chapter in the history of art and singing in our Arab world has closed." He added: "She shone and her star sparkled during a rich era filled with great artists, such as Abdel Wahab, Umm Kulthum, Asmahan, Farid Al-Atrash, Sabah, Wadi' Al-Safi, and others who left marks and created a rich heritage that accumulated into a precious treasure in the world of art and singing over many decades."
He stated: "We, the Salam family, are proud of what Najah achieved among her peers during the years of glory, strength, and Arab brilliance." He concluded: "A shining star in this troubling era, she has faded, but her light will remain a luminous spark in the history of authentic Arab art and singing. May God bless the deceased with His mercy."