
Title: Houthi Group Denies Targeting Internet Cables in the Red Sea

Title: Houthi Group Denies Targeting Internet Cables in the Red Sea

The Yemeni Houthi group confirmed today, Tuesday, that it "did not target international underwater internet cables in the Red Sea." In statements to "Sputnik Agency," a member of the political office of the Houthi group, Hizam Al-Asad, said: "There is no targeting from Yemen towards the internet cables, and we have reiterated this multiple times. This is just an incitement that Tel Aviv, Washington, and London seek to use to sway global opinion against us, instead of stopping the genocidal crimes committed by the Israeli army supported by U.S. and Western military aid against the people of the Gaza Strip." Al-Asad emphasized that "the United States, Israel, and Britain are promoting this narrative to incite public opinion against Yemen," following reports of a malfunction in the cable system running through the Red Sea that affected information flow. The international telecommunications company "SEKOM" announced on Monday that there was a fault in its infrastructure in the Red Sea that impacted the cable system in Africa, raising suspicions towards the region of the Houthi group as a potential location for the disruption.

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