William Noun, brother of the martyr Joe Noun, indicated that "we trust in justice to restore the truth and our problem is with whoever blew up the port; the issue is the August 4th explosion, and we will not remain silent on this matter. We demand to know how the explosion occurred." Noun stated in an interview with MTV: "There is no fear of new arrests; we are children of faith and hope, and our cause is a national one. We want the investigation to continue, and the reason for my arrest was a judicial signal indicating explosives in my home; my arrest served the cause and our mission is to maintain the street movement."
He continued, "We thank Patriarch Raï for his actions. The church has played a significant role in the national issue of August 4th, and we have movements planned for Monday and Thursday." Noun emphasized that "our cause requires patience and endurance to uncover the truth, and the substitute judge is not a solution to the case. We are operating under the law and have reacted; we will appear before the judiciary to demand justice for August 4th."