
Haj Hassan: We Want a Reformist President to Rebuild State Institutions

Haj Hassan: We Want a Reformist President to Rebuild State Institutions

The head of the "Baalbek-Hermel Bloc," MP Hussein Haj Hassan, stated that "the election of a president for the republic in Lebanon is stalled due to the other party's desire to bring a president who will lead Lebanon into problems instead of solutions." During a graduation ceremony for students at Shaat Official Secondary School, he remarked, "The other party wants a president who does not start addressing solutions for the financial and monetary situations, public administration issues, and infrastructure, and does not focus on rebuilding and restructuring the state. The other party seeks a president who prioritizes what the Americans want, which is the priority of weakening Lebanon, and this is unacceptable as it contradicts Lebanon's interests."

Haj Hassan affirmed that "we want a reformist president who can fix administration, economy, and the financial and monetary policies, and rebuild state institutions, but who also preserves and develops Lebanon's strengths and enhances its resilience. He should safeguard what Lebanon has accomplished against the Israeli army, including the qualitative achievement that would not have been possible without the equation of the army, the people, and the resistance, as well as the coordination and integration between the state and the resistance in the matter of maritime border demarcation. This has been crucial for enforcing drilling and exploration operations, and later extracting gas and oil, which are hoped to help Lebanon emerge from its economic and financial crisis."

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