
Title: Armed Clash Documented in Video Outside Basra Governorate Building

Title: Armed Clash Documented in Video Outside Basra Governorate Building

A video has circulated on social media capturing the moment of a gunfire exchange outside the Basra Governorate building in Iraq. Iraqi media outlets released the video, which features the sound of shots clearly coming from an automatic weapon. It indicated that the video documents heavy gunfire in front of the Basra Governorate building between two parties due to a bidding dispute.

A security source mentioned that "coinciding with the municipality's announcement of a public auction for a 'high-priced' building located in the center of Basra, gunfire erupted in front of the governorate building, where a group of armed individuals was gathered with Tahoe vehicles." The source added that "security forces pursued the Tahoe vehicles that fired shots in front of the governorate building."

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