An Ukrainian official stated that two people were killed and six others were injured today, Wednesday, in a Russian attack on the Ukrainian town of Hrynyk, located about 12 kilometers approximately from the frontlines. Regional governor Vadym Vylashkin reported on Telegram that Russian forces launched the attack using multiple rocket launchers. Images shared alongside the post showed private homes destroyed due to fires and explosions. Hrynyk is situated 12 to 15 kilometers from the fighting front near the Ukrainian city of Maryinka in the Donetsk region, where Russian forces have intensified their assaults. Recently, Ukrainian Army Chief Oleksandr Syrsky described the situation in the Maryinka area as the most difficult. The Kyiv forces, which are suffering from shortages in weapons and troops, are eagerly awaiting the arrival of new supplies of arms and ammunition that have been delayed for months due to political disagreements in the U.S. Congress. Although some weapons have already arrived, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized the need to expedite the delivery process, stating that the entire situation on the battlefield largely depends on the arrival of these weapons.