
Jordan Foils Smuggling of Large Quantity of Drugs from Syria

Jordan Foils Smuggling of Large Quantity of Drugs from Syria

A military source in the Jordanian Armed Forces announced that a large quantity of narcotics coming from Syrian territory was thwarted in an operation executed by the eastern military zone early on Friday. The source stated that "border guard forces, in coordination with the drug enforcement administration and military security agencies, monitored an attempt by a group of smugglers to illegally cross the border from Syrian territory into Jordan. Quick reaction patrols were dispatched, and rules of engagement with direct fire were applied against them, leading to the injury of several smugglers while others fled back into Syrian territory."

The source noted that 278,000 Captagon pills and 1,738 cannabis blocks were discovered, and the seized items were referred to the relevant authorities. The source affirmed that the Jordanian Armed Forces will continue to address any threats to the border fronts with strength and firmness, as well as any attempts to undermine and destabilize the country's security and terrorize its citizens. It was also mentioned that border guard forces had thwarted another attempt at drug smuggling early Thursday, resulting in the death of one smuggler and injuries to others.

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