
Mekzomi: We Are Heading Towards a Third Option for the Presidency

Mekzomi: We Are Heading Towards a Third Option for the Presidency

MP Fouad Mekzomi pointed out that "there is an American effort to maintain Lebanon's security and keep it away from war, and as officials, we should do what is necessary to protect our country." Mekzomi explained in an interview with "LBCI" that "what we have heard is that there are 13 points of disagreement regarding the southern borders, and so far, seven have been agreed upon. We need to expedite reaching a settlement and aim to isolate the Lebanese file from Gaza." He indicated that "the five-member committee will not intervene in proposing names for the presidency or veto anyone; its role is only to bring viewpoints closer." He affirmed that "consultations regarding the presidency should be among the MPs to set specifications and filter them to propose names based on common grounds. It is likely that we are heading towards a third option, and Aude-Lorian will not return to Lebanon until things become clearer."

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