A team of scientists from Singapore and China has confirmed that the increasing locust invasions on crops due to global warming pose a threat to global food security. The scientists, Shinyu Liu, Dong Xiao Chang, and Xiao Kang, stated in an article published in the journal "Science Advances" that "the rise in climate temperature will lead to widespread increases in locust outbreaks, resulting in new challenges for locust control worldwide."
The study indicates that the range of pests will continue to expand even with reduced carbon emissions, and that locusts are increasingly attacking numerous countries far apart from each other, such as India and Morocco. These simultaneous attacks represent a significant threat to the entire world. The scientists warn that "as Africa and South Asia are important grain reserves in the world, simultaneous locust invasions can threaten global food security." The study confirms that "desert locusts" have caused damage to agriculture in various regions of Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia.