
Video of Camp in Desert Causes Stir in Jordan... What’s the Story?

Video of Camp in Desert Causes Stir in Jordan... What’s the Story?

Amid fears and international and Arab warnings regarding the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza due to the ongoing Israeli war, a video claiming to show a camp for Palestinian displaced persons has sparked a controversy in Jordan. The individual who recorded the video, which circulated widely on social media in recent hours, asserted that a camp has been established in the desert to accommodate displaced Palestinians.

The footage showed the installation of numerous "caravans" in a desert area, with workers and heavy machinery present, inciting considerable debate. The National Center for Security and Crisis Management clarified the purpose of this camp. They stated that what was seen is a shelter constructed in the Azraq area, located in the eastern desert of the country, among other selected locations being built to address potential risk scenarios arising from crises and natural disasters.

The center explained in a statement that the site, on which work commenced in the middle of this year, aims to test national capabilities in response and rescue operations. They also indicated that the Azraq site includes essential facilities like residential units, health centers, schools, places of worship, and other supporting services, fully prepared to handle crises or natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, or epidemic outbreaks.

According to the center, this step is part of a series of measures taken following crises and disasters experienced in the region, including devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Morocco, to glean lessons and prepare in advance. A simulation exercise for earthquakes was conducted this year under the name (Drab Al-Aman 3).

Since its establishment, the National Center has undertaken various tasks, primarily coordinating among relevant parties in crisis response and fostering a secure and stable national environment. Notably, King Abdullah II has repeatedly warned against attempts to displace Palestinians to Jordan or Egypt, stressing that this matter is a "red line," a sentiment echoed by Egypt, which borders Gaza.

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