
Title: Syria Bids Farewell to Victims of the Military Academy Attack Amidst a Climate of Mourning

Title: Syria Bids Farewell to Victims of the Military Academy Attack Amidst a Climate of Mourning

Syria held the funeral for the first batch of victims from the drone attack on the military academy in the city of Homs this morning, which occurred just after the graduation ceremony for officers on Thursday, resulting in dozens of casualties among military personnel and their families.

Dozens of victims' families gathered early in the morning outside the military hospital in Homs, in an atmosphere of deep sorrow. The funeral proceedings were conducted in batches for about 30 casualties, including military and civilian victims, in the presence of Defense Minister Ali Mahmoud, according to a reporter from "France Presse."

Drones targeted the courtyard of the military academy in Homs during the graduation ceremony, where many family members were present. Videos circulated on social media showed scenes of panic and chaos during the attack, with victims falling to the ground and the injured crying for help.

Official Syrian media reported this morning that 89 people were killed, including 31 women and five children, with 277 others injured. The "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights," on the other hand, reported a higher toll, documenting the deaths of 123 individuals, including 54 civilians, among them 39 children and women related to the officers. It also reported 150 others injured.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack; however, the Syrian army accused "armed terrorist organizations supported by known international actors" of being behind the strike "using drones carrying explosive munitions." The army affirmed that it would "respond with full force and determination against these terrorist organizations wherever they may be found."

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