
Title: Fire Breaks Out in Crude Oil Transport Line in Homs

Title: Fire Breaks Out in Crude Oil Transport Line in Homs

A fire broke out today, Sunday, in a crude oil transport line east of the Al-Furqlus area in the eastern Homs countryside, according to the Syrian News Agency. The agency reported that firefighting teams are working to extinguish the fire. Preliminary information from Syrian news outlets indicates that some individuals were attempting to steal oil from the line, and the fire ignited while they were cutting it, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another due to burns. The body of one of the thieves was found at the fire site, along with the cutting tools they possessed.

Initial control has been established over the fire in the crude oil transport line east of Al-Furqlus, and firefighting and cooling operations are still ongoing. The cause of the fire was the attempted theft of oil from the line directly. During the attempt to puncture the line, flames erupted, which resulted in at least one thief being killed and others injured.

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