
Title: Freezing the Effect of Weapon Licenses Throughout Lebanese Territory

Title: Freezing the Effect of Weapon Licenses Throughout Lebanese Territory

The Minister of National Defense in the caretaker government, Maurice Slim, issued a decree numbered 1738/WD regarding the freezing of weapon carrying licenses throughout all Lebanese territory. The decree states: "Article One: The effect of weapon carrying licenses throughout all Lebanese territory is frozen from 28/12/2023 at 00:00 until further notice.

Article Two: The provisions of Article One above are exempted for:

A- Diplomatic weapon licenses (purple model)

B- Official weapon licenses (orange model)

C- Weapon licenses granted to the escorts of current and former ministers, deputies, party leaders, and religious sect leaders only when accompanying the individual.

Article Three: Any violation of the provisions of this decree exposes the violator to severe penalties, especially legal prosecution.

Article Four: This decree is to be published in the media, and the army command is tasked with strictly enforcing its provisions and referring violators to military courts."

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