
7 Foods with More Iron than Spinach: Perfect for Summer

7 Foods with More Iron than Spinach: Perfect for Summer

The human body requires two types of iron: heme iron and non-heme iron, and the body absorbs them differently when consuming various food options. Experts recommend following a balanced diet that provides both heme and non-heme iron to prevent iron deficiency anemia. At the same time, experts warn about the risks associated with excessive consumption of foods high in heme iron, which include the risk of stroke, coronary heart disease, and gastrointestinal side effects.

According to DNA India, here is a list of foods that contain higher levels of iron than spinach, which can be consumed during the summer season:

1. **Lentils**: Lentils contain over 3 mg of iron per half cup, along with protein.

2. **Beans**: Beans provide fiber, folic acid, and 2 to 4 mg of iron per half cup.

3. **Cashews**: Cashews boast a high iron content, with about 2 mg per quarter cup.

4. **Chia Seeds**: A quarter cup of chia seeds offers up to 2 mg of iron.

5. **Poultry**: Poultry provides a high level of iron that is easily absorbed by the body.

6. **Amaranth**: Amaranth is known for being rich in iron and minerals and also contains magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

7. **Apricots**: Apricots are the ideal food for vegetarians to meet their iron needs in the summer.

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