
Lebanese Women are Arab Champions in Beach Volleyball

Lebanese Women are Arab Champions in Beach Volleyball

The players Mervat Hamza and Mirna Sheikho won the title of the Women’s Beach Volleyball Arab Championship, which concluded today in the Jordanian capital, Amman. The Lebanese team composed of Lara Al-Nahi and Nour Hamza secured second place and received the silver medal. The two Lebanese teams defeated the two Jordanian host teams in the semi-finals. In the men's category, the Lebanese team consisting of Paul Abu Aql and Charbel Khoury finished third by defeating their Qatari counterparts in the match for third and fourth places, earning the bronze medal. The President of the Lebanese Volleyball Federation Walid Kasouf, Administrative Committee member Ghassan Qardahi, Referee Committee Chairman Hanna Zayla, and the President of the Youth Workers Club in Batroun Michel Farah, closely followed the matches of the four Lebanese teams from the court. The former president of the federation, Michel Abi Ramiya, congratulated the Lebanese champions who achieved first and second places in the Arab Championship, and extended similar congratulations to the men's team for finishing third in the competition.

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