
Title: FIFA Urges World Cup Teams to Focus on Football

Title: FIFA Urges World Cup Teams to Focus on Football

The International Football Federation (FIFA) has urged the teams participating in the World Cup in Qatar to concentrate on football and not allow the sport to be drawn into "battles" of ideological or political nature, according to Reuters. The message from FIFA President Gianni Infantino and Secretary-General Fatma Samoura follows several protests by World Cup teams regarding issues ranging from LGBTQ+ rights to concerns about the treatment of migrant workers. As reported by Sky News, Infantino and Samoura stated in a message directed at the 32 participating nations, "Please, let us now focus on football." They added, "We know that football does not exist in a vacuum, and we equally recognize that there are many challenges and difficulties of a political nature around the world, but please do not allow football to be dragged into every ideological or political battle that exists," according to Reuters.

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