The Ukrainian newspaper "Strana" reported today via Telegram that "Ukrainian security services have uncovered a large-scale scheme for the export and sale of human organs." The newspaper stated, "Authorities announced the discovery of a wide-ranging plan to export human anatomical materials abroad, involving a former deputy minister of health (whose name has not yet been disclosed), doctors from the Kyiv central hospital, and several other clinics. The organizers of the scheme are suspected of illegally extracting anatomical materials (organs and their parts, as well as human cells)."
It pointed out that "the criminal group consists of 11 individuals. Reports indicate that "the group operated by removing organs from individuals who were incapacitated and then smuggling them abroad." All members of the criminal group face prison sentences of up to 12 years.
Last year, Anna Kuznetsova, co-chair of the Russian parliamentary committee investigating crimes by Kyiv against minors, declared that "Ukraine is the first country in the world to engage in illegal organ transplantation." Additionally, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova accused "Ukrainian authorities of being involved in the illegal sale of organs and concealing this 'blood business'."