Tea has various beneficial properties depending on its type; however, some individuals should exercise caution with this common beverage. According to Dr. Valeria Antiufieva, a gastroenterologist, tea contains tannins, which are natural astringent compounds. The concentration of tannins in tea depends on its type and preparation method. These compounds can form complexes with iron present in foods, which is why iron is not absorbed in the digestive system. She states in an interview with "Gazeta.Ru": "The absorption of iron from plant products is much worse than from animal products due to the effect of tannins. Therefore, if a person suffers from latent iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia and follows a strict vegetarian diet, they should manage their tea intake. Drinking three cups or less per day would be safe for them."
The doctor also points out that tea contains caffeine, which can cause increased anxiety, stress, and insomnia if consumed in large quantities. She notes: "Therefore, if someone struggles with anxiety and depression, they should limit their tea consumption. According to medical research findings, if the caffeine dose does not exceed 200 mg per day, it will not cause significant anxiety for many people."
Additionally, individuals suffering from indigestion should be cautious about drinking tea because excessive consumption may cause vomiting and stomach pain, especially when consumed on an empty stomach in the morning. It is better to add some milk to the tea or have some food before drinking it. The doctor warns pregnant women against excessive tea consumption since caffeine can lead to various complications. Therefore, it is not recommended to exceed the allowable limit of 200 mg. In general, it is best to consult a doctor on this matter.