
Title: Al-Safadi: The International Community's Abandonment of Syrian Refugees is Extremely Dangerous

Title: Al-Safadi: The International Community's Abandonment of Syrian Refugees is Extremely Dangerous

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi expressed his displeasure at the decline in international support for Syrian refugees and the host countries, highlighting the abandonment by the international community. In a press statement before the "Brussels VIII Conference on the Future of Syria and the Region" in Belgium, he stated that "Jordan has done everything possible to provide security and dignity for nearly 1.3 million Syrian refugees, with only 10% of them living in camps." He remarked that the international community has "abandoned Syrian refugees as funding necessary for their support in host countries dwindles." He continued, "We will not be able to provide basic services to refugees on our own, and we will continue to do everything we can. Unless the international community assumes its responsibility, services will diminish and the suffering of refugees will increase." He emphasized that "supporting refugees and providing them with services is a responsibility that falls on the world and the international community, and this responsibility cannot be shifted solely to the host countries, as they will not be able to manage it alone." The Jordanian Foreign Minister stressed the importance of creating conditions that facilitate the voluntary return of refugees to their home countries.

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