A statement was issued today, Tuesday, by Samir Geagea, the President of the Lebanese Forces party, saying: "I noticed in the ongoing negotiations between the Resistance Axis and Western envoys, particularly the Americans, regarding Hezbollah's redeployment in the south and other matters, that the Resistance Axis always ends its discussions with the following statement: 'These matters require an internal situation related to the presidential and governmental file.' This implies that this axis positions the presidency and the upcoming government in the context of the ongoing negotiations about its status in the south."
He added: "This matter is entirely rejected; the presidency is not a mere consolation prize and will not serve as a reward for the Resistance Axis, nor will it be linked to any deal, whether closely or distantly." He continued: "The presidency in Lebanon is an independent matter that has no relation to any other deal. After all that has happened in Lebanon and what the Lebanese citizen is experiencing, we are now more than ever in urgent need of a legitimate president, whose concern is not to arrange matters for the Resistance Axis or serve it but rather to organize the affairs of the Lebanese republic and attend to the interests of the Lebanese people. Yes, more than ever, we need a reformist president who is dedicated to implementing the necessary reforms, so that the doors to the global economy can open for us again, reviving our economy and returning the Lebanese to a state of prosperity and flourishing."
He concluded: "We reject any nominal president who lacks the qualities needed for the presidency at this stage and comes as part of a regional settlement currently under discussion."