
Title: Nasrallah: The Battle in the South is Greater Than Internal Political Gains

Title: Nasrallah: The Battle in the South is Greater Than Internal Political Gains

The Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, stated, "It is our responsibility to exert all efforts to eradicate this cancerous growth, namely Israel, from this region." He pointed out that "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his insanity continue their genocidal war in Gaza and Palestine, amid the silence of countries and rulers, but thank God, these atrocities awaken the world." In his speech during a memorial ceremony honoring Sheikh Ali Korani, Nasrallah emphasized that "there is no demarcation of land borders in Lebanon; there is an implementation of the drawn borders, and there are areas occupied by Israel that must be vacated."

He noted that "the battle in the south and Gaza has no relation to the presidential elections in Lebanon. Is there any way other than dialogue and consultation to reach a conclusion? What obstructed the presidential elections a year before (the flood of Al-Aqsa) were internal disagreements and external vetoes." He affirmed that "the results of the battle in the south are greater than internal political gains, just as the liberation in 2000 and the victory in 2006 were." He stressed that "the southern front continues its work and is part of the battle that shapes the fate of Palestine, Lebanon, and the region; this is a battle of existence and destiny, and it is as much about Palestine as it is about Lebanon’s future, wealth, and sovereignty."

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