Israel Prevents UNRWA Director from Entering Gaza

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and Egypt announced that Israeli authorities refused to allow the agency's Director-General to enter the Gaza Strip today, Monday, describing the move as unprecedented. Philip Lazarini, the Director-General of UNRWA, speaking alongside Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry at a press conference in Cairo, stated that he intended to head to Rafah today but was informed an hour earlier of the refusal for his entry. Shoukry addressed Lazarini, saying: "You have been rejected by Israel, your entry has been denied, which is an unprecedented step for a representative in such a high position." Lazarini remarked: "We are racing against time to end the worsening hunger and prevent the impending famine in the Gaza Strip." He described the famine in Gaza as man-made and noted that the crisis can be resolved and overcome with the right political will, suggesting that Gaza could be "flooded" with food through the crossings. Juliette Touma, UNRWA's Director of Communications, mentioned that Lazarini had visited the Gaza Strip four times since the onset of the Gaza war on October 7, in addition to multiple prior visits.

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