
Bassil: August 7 is the Mark of Existence of the State in Lebanon

Bassil: August 7 is the Mark of Existence of the State in Lebanon

The head of the "Free Patriotic Movement," MP Gebran Bassil, wrote on the platform "X": "August 7 is the day we paused because we were demanding the freedom, sovereignty, and independence of Lebanon, and we were accused of being agents of Israel! August 7 is a day we remember with pride and dignity, and it is a day we look to the future with hope that our youth learn its meaning." He added, "Let them learn that injustice will not last, and 'there is no right that does not return and prevail.' The oppression and bullying that our movement has faced will disappear (especially regarding corruption), and faith in our cause and steadfastness in our movement and nation will lead us to victory, and we will dismantle the corrupt system successively after its financial pillar falls." Bassil described those days as "beautiful" for their struggle and purity, saying, "Sitting on the seat of power is much harder than sitting in the prison of injustice! The movement, wherever it sits and wherever it is, will continue to fight. August 7 is the mark for the establishment of a state in Lebanon."

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