
King Abdullah II: Jordan Has Successfully Overcome the Region's Chaos

King Abdullah II: Jordan Has Successfully Overcome the Region's Chaos

Jordanian King Abdullah II affirmed that "Jordan has succeeded in overcoming the chaos of the region, and remains strong and steadfast, unaffected by circumstances, always the first to respond to duty."

During his speech at the national event marking the silver jubilee, coinciding with the 25th Royal Accession Day, the king stated: "It has been twenty-five years since I took on the responsibility of serving this dear country of Jordan, and I see men, women, and youth, with heads held high and noble values."

He added: "We all have a responsibility for comprehensive modernization and unleashing the potential of our economy in the coming years, for a Jordan where opportunities are strengthened and achievements multiplied, for the generations of today and tomorrow. I am fully confident that Jordanians are capable of continuing modernization and building towards a greater future."

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