
Threat or Oddity: An African Country Promises to Send 20,000 Elephants to Germany

Threat or Oddity: An African Country Promises to Send 20,000 Elephants to Germany

The President of Botswana has threatened to send 20,000 elephants to Germany amidst a dispute over the importation of taxidermy animals, which are hunted as trophies to be hung on walls. African leader Mokgweetsi Masisi told the German daily Bild that a ban on importing this type of hunting would only impoverish the people of Botswana. Masisi confirmed that his country "would like to offer such a gift to Germany," adding that "refusal would not be accepted as an answer," according to a report by The Guardian.

He explained that environmental conservation efforts have led to a significant increase in elephant populations, and hunting is an important means of keeping them under control. Masisi pointed out to the German newspaper that elephant herds have caused property damage, consumed crops, and disrupted local communities. He stated that his country has seen the elephant population rise to nearly 130,000: "This is not a joke."

Botswana, home to the world's largest elephant population, has already sent 8,000 elephants to Angola and another 500 to Mozambique in an attempt to address what Masisi described as "overpopulation." Officials also threatened in March to send 10,000 elephants to London.

For its part, a spokesperson for the Environment Ministry in Berlin stated that Botswana has not raised any concerns with Germany regarding this issue. The spokesperson noted that the ministry is still in discussions with African countries affected by import regulations, including Botswana. He added that "trophy hunting permits" for African elephants already require an import permit under current rules. Additionally, it was reported that discussions within the European Union regarding stricter import restrictions focus on expanding the list of protected species. Earlier this year, the German Environment Ministry raised the possibility of imposing stricter limits on the import of so-called "trophy hunting" due to concerns about overhunting. Botswana banned trophy hunting in 2014 but lifted the restrictions in 2019 under pressure from local communities. The country now issues annual hunting quotas.

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