
What is the Secret of the Year 2055? New Predictions from the "Nostradamus of the 21st Century"

What is the Secret of the Year 2055? New Predictions from the

Using complex mathematical operations and a special algorithm, renowned mathematician Muhammad Sadiq Afghan has made several intriguing predictions regarding the fate of the world up to the year 2058. These predictions, based on mathematical equations, encompass the Russian military operation in Ukraine, the future of the United States and the European Union, and the chances of a nuclear war.

Sadiq Afghan, sometimes referred to as the "Nostradamus of the 21st century," predicted the dissolution of the Soviet Union in a 1989 television interview and forecasted the COVID-19 pandemic in 2013, six years before the world experienced remote living and work, all based on unique mathematical equations and algorithms, while acknowledging a margin of error.

He states that the accuracy of his predictions based on mathematical calculations is nearly 100% for individuals, between 70 to 80% for individual countries, and about 60% for the entire world. This expert in mathematics and history, considered a living legend in predictive mathematics, asserts, “People think everything happens by chance. I want to prove that everything happening in the world is predetermined and can be predicted through applying a mathematical formula.”

Notably, the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant, Vanga, once said, “A mathematician will come who will tell everything... listen to him.”

It is also mentioned that Sadiq Afghan is the founding president of the Global Center for Philosophical Mathematics Research in Kabul and has been a political activist who led protests on several occasions, including a protest against Danish cartoons offensive to Islam in 2008.

The Afghan mathematician revealed his predictions concerning the most significant issues, responding to a question about the Russian military operation in Ukraine by stating that a turning point will begin in 2025. He added, “America will no longer be a superpower in 2027. You will emerge victorious in Ukraine. This is my advice.” He also specified a timeframe for the collapse of the European Union, predicting that this would occur between 2027 and 2032.

Sadiq Afghan also addressed the possibility of a nuclear war arising from current global events, confirming in his predictions that such a war would not erupt until 2055. He emphasized that what is happening now is “an online computer war... an information war. This is a clash between Eastern and Western civilizations.”

The Afghan mathematician announced that his mathematical methodology for predictions confirms that Russia is on the right path while simultaneously urging it not to retreat.

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